Discover the Magic of Norse Mythology While Learning Norwegian!
Dive into the rich tapestry of Norse myths with the e-book and audiobook combo Learn Norwegian with Norse Mythology, an engaging and educational resource tailored to intermediate Norwegian learners (B1–B2 level) and ambitious A2 learners. Written by Marius Stangeland, the creator of the popular language-learning platforms Laernorsknaa.com, the podcasts Lær norsk nå! and Noruego hecho divertido, and the YouTube channel Learn Norwegian Now!, this book offers an exciting blend of language learning and cultural exploration.
Learn Norwegian with Norse Mythology is the perfect book to start reading Norwegian. It contains:
- An audiobook reading of the entire book
- An introduction on the origins of Norse mythology
- A rewriting of 10 famous Norse myths tailored to learners of Norwegian
- A summary in Norwegian and English of each chapter
- A list of difficult words and phrases from each chapter to expand your Norwegian vocabulary.
- A Bonus text for each chapter: Discover how Norse mythology influences modern culture
- Questions and answers for each chapter
- Engaging illustrations to make the myths come alive
Whether you’re a language learner seeking to elevate your skills or a mythology lover delving into the Norse pantheon, this book is the ideal companion. Its engaging stories, practical vocabulary, and cultural insights will bring your Norwegian to a new level.
Take your Norwegian to the next level while exploring tales of gods, giants, and mythical creatures.
Practical information
E-book (paperback size): 353 pages
Audiobook length: 4 hours, 30 minutes
Publisher: Marius Stangeland