118 – Norrøne låneord på engelsk

Norrønt har hatt stor påvirkning på engelsk på grunn av vikingene. Vikinger fra Norge og Danmark reiste til de britiske øyene og både plyndra og bosatte seg der. Vikingtida starter med angrepet på klosteret på Lindesfarne i 793 og varer til slaget ved Stamford Bridge i 1066. Vikingene tok med seg språket sitt da de kom til de britiske øyene. Danelagen (ofte kalla for The Dane Law)var spesielt viktig.

Thor Fishes the Midgard Serpent – Learn Norwegian with Norse Mythology

I have written a book called Learn Norwegian with Norse Mythology, and it contains an introduction to Norse mythology along with 10 myths that I have adapted to be suitable for people learning Norwegian. Each chapter includes the myth, a summary in both Norwegian and English, a vocabulary list from the chapter, some questions based on the text, and a small bonus text about Norse mythology today. In this episode, you can listen to chapter 7 of the book for free. I have added some extra summaries and explanations in English that are not available in the original book or audiobook.

2.2 – The Creation in Norse mythology

We will continue examining Norse mythology. In this episode, we will look at the creation myth in Norse mythology. The myth is a bit strange and confusing, but I will try to explain it in a clear manner. The plan for today is first to speak about the topic in Norwegian, then a quick summary in English, then some vocabulary and finally the Norwegian part again, but this last time in natural and faster Norwegian. Good luck!