05 juni 2022 | 10 minutes

Norsk for Beginners is a podcast aimed at beginners of Norwegian (A1-A2). The episodes are structured in two parts: One Norwegian speaking part and the second in English, explaining the Norwegian part and examining some Norwegian vocabulary used in the episode. I speak Norwegian in a clear, slow and deliberate manner, perfect for beginners. Get some listening practice by listening to “Norsk for Beginners”!
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Norway might be most known for snow, winter and cold, but many of the most popular sports are actually most suited for either a hall or during a nice, warm summer day. Looking at the 20 largest sports associations in Norway, 17 of them are best suited for summer or a temperate hall. That might be because many of the largest winter sports are united in the Ski Association, however, the Ski Association is only the third largest in Norway. Both the Football Association and the Handball Association are larger.
The Football Association is the largest sports association in Norway with 375 000 members, which is over twice as large as the second largest one: the Handball Association with 139 000 members. Football in Norway is usually played on an artificial turf, as the climate most places is not suited for a grass field for most of the year. I myself have played football for over 13 years.
Handball is the second largest sport and is also very popular in other European countries. We have a lot of sports halls, and when it’s cold and dark outside, it’s nice to go inside to a warm hall.
Other large sports in Norway are gymnastics, track and field, swimming, cycling and various martial arts. Also, while Norway is mostly known for its achievements in winter sports, it also has some very good athletes in summer sports. Let’s look at the medals Norway won during the last Summer Olympics in Tokyo 2021.
Norway won four golds, two silver, and two bronze, making us the 20th best nation in the world. Pretty good, considering that Norway is a small and cold country. Andreas Mol and Christian Sørum won gold in sand volleyball, Kristian Blummenfelt won gold in triatlon, Jakob Ingebrigtsen won the 1500m race, and maybe the most laudable achivments of them all: Karsten Warholm’s gold and world record in 400m hurdles. There are, as you can see, several really good athletes from Norway competing in summer sports as well.

Episode’s Transcript
Heihei! In this episode, we will talk about Norwegian sports culture focusing on the sports we do during summer. Norway is first and foremost known for its achievements in winter sports, but we are not only snow and cold. The transcript can be found on the website for the podcast. Now, let’s start!
Norsk sommersport
Norge er kanskje først og fremst kjent for snø, vinter og kulde, men mange av de mest populære idrettene i Norge er faktisk idretter man kanskje forbinder mer med sommeren. Om man ser på de 20 største idrettslagene i Norge, er hele 17 av dem sporter som enten er sommersporter eller som man gjør i en idrettshall. Det er kanskje ikke så rart ettersom mye av vintersporten går inn under «skiforbundet». Likevel er skiforbundet faktisk bare det tredje største idrettslaget i Norge. Så la oss se på noen av de mest populære idrettene i Norge.
Fotball er den klart mest populære idretten i Norge, som i mange andre deler av verden. Norges fotballforbund har 375 000 medlemmer. Det er over dobbelt så stort som håndballforbundet på andreplass med 139 000 medlemmer. Nesten alle barn, spesielt gutter, har spilt fotball på et eller annet tidspunkt. Men, i mange steder i Norge er det vanskelig å spille fotball på vinteren; det snør, det er is og det er kaldt store deler av året. Det har gjort at de fleste fotballbanene i Norge er kunstgressbaner. Kunstgress er laget av plast og gjør at man kan spille fotball hele året. Gressbaner kan man gjerne bare bruke på sommeren. Jeg har selv vært en del av Norges fotballforbund og spilte på et fotballag i 13 år.
Håndball er den nest største sporten i Norge. Det er en sport som er veldig stor i Europa. I Norge har vi mange idrettshaller som gjør at det er mulig å spille håndball nesten overalt. I tillegg er det veldig fint å spille håndball inni en hall når det er kaldt og mørkt ute. Mange på mitt lag spilte for eksempel håndball på vinteren og fotball på sommeren.
Andre store idretter er gymnastikk og turn, friidrett, svømming, sykkel og kampsport. Men jeg ønsker å rette fokuset mot norsk toppidrett. Selv om Norge er mye bedre på vintersport enn sommeridrett, så har vi faktisk mange gode idrettsutøvere som også driver med sommeridrett. La oss se på medaljevinnerne i forrige sommer OL i Tokyo i 2021.
Norge vant fire gullmedaljer, to sølvmedaljer og to bronsemedaljer. Det gjorde at vi havnet på 20. plass på medaljeoversikten, som er ganske bra for et lite land i nord. Det som var gøy var at mange av idrettene spiller man i varmen når det er sommer. For eksempel tok Andreas Mol og Christian Sørum gullmedalje i sandvolleyball. Kristian Blummenfelt tok OL gull på triatlonet. Triatlon er et løp som består av svømming, sykling og løping. Jakob Ingebrigtsen tok gull på 1500m løping. Og kanskje mest imponerende av dem alle: Karsten Warholm tok OL gull og verdensrekord på 400m hekk. Det er altså mange gode idrettsutøvere i Norge, også i sommeridrett.
Først og fremst – First and foremost
En idrett – A sport
Forbinder – Associate
Idrettslag – Sports association
Idrettshall – Sports hall
Rart – Weird
Den klart mest populære – the most popular by far
Store deler av året – Great parts of the year
En kunstgressbane – Artificial turf
Plast – Plastic
Overalt – Everywhere
Kampsport – Martial arts
Å rette fokuset mot – To direct attention towards
Toppidrett – Elite sports
Verdensrekord – World record
Norwegian summer sports
Norway might be most known for snow, winter and cold, but many of the most popular sports are actually most suited for either a hall or during a nice, warm summer day. Looking at the 20 largest sports associations in Norway, 17 of them are best suited for summer or a temperate hall. That might be because many of the largest winter sports are united in the Ski Association, however, the Ski Association is only the third largest in Norway. Both the Football Association and the Handball Association are larger.
The Football Association is the largest sports association in Norway with 375 000 members, which is over twice as large as the second largest one: the Handball Association with 139 000 members. Football in Norway is usually played on an artificial turf, as the climate most places is not suited for a grass field for most of the year. I myself have played football for over 13 years.
Handball is the second largest sport and is also very popular in other European countries. We have a lot of sports halls, and when it’s cold and dark outside, it’s nice to go inside to a warm hall.
Other large sports in Norway are gymnastics, track and field, swimming, cycling and various martial arts. Also, while Norway is mostly known for its achievements in winter sports, it also has some very good athletes in summer sports. Let’s look at the medals Norway won during the last Summer Olympics in Tokyo 2021.
Norway won four golds, two silver, and two bronze, making us the 20th best nation in the world. Pretty good, considering that Norway is a small and cold country. Andreas Mol and Christian Sørum won gold in sand volleyball, Kristian Blummenfelt won gold in triatlon, Jakob Ingebrigtsen won the 1500m race, and maybe the most laudable achivments of them all: Karsten Warholm’s gold and world record in 400m hurdles. There are, as you can see, several really good athletes from Norway competing in summer sports as well.