6.8 – The Russetid (Celebration of Graduation)

Russetida, the celebration of graduation from upper secondary school, happens from the first to 17th of May, the national day of Norway. The students will then take on red clothes, a red russe hat and hand out russe cards, which many children collect. These cards will often contain a funny picture and quote from the person who hands it out. The russetid is also celebrated with a lot of partying and alcohol, and the russ have their own festivals and parties.

96 – Skulesystemet i Noreg

I denne epsioden snakker jeg om skolesystemet i Norge. Skolesystemet i Norge varer i 13 år og er bygd opp i tre instanser: Barneskole fra 1. til 7. klasse, ungdomsskole fra 8. til 10. klasse og vidergående som enten varer fra 11. til 13. klasse (studiespesialiserende) eller to år i skole og to år i lære.