01 mai 2021 | 20 minutes

“Lær Norsk Nå!” is a podcast for the intermediate Norwegian learner (B1-B2) who wants to listen to authentic Norwegian spoken in a clear and slow manner. Transcriptions for the episodes are easily available at the website for the podcast, providing textual support for the spoken material. The podcast deals with many different topics including history, culture, science, literature, the Norwegian language and more; this provides the learner with a range of different topics in Norwegian, leading to ample opportunity to improve one’s Norwegian. It is also a fun and engaging way of learning!
Epost: Laernorsknaa@gmail.com
Episoden på nettstedet:https://laernorsknaa.com/intervju-med-daniel-om-svensk-og-norsk
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdRJ5lW2QlUNRfff-ZoE-A/videos
Støtt podkasten:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/laernorsknaa
Donasjon (Paypal): Doner (paypal.com)
Jeg snakker med Daniel om forskjeller mellom norsk og svensk, litt om norsk-svensk historie og hvordan det er å bo i Santiago i Chile.

Jeg snakker med Daniel om forskjeller mellom norsk og svensk, litt om norsk-svensk historie og hvordan det er å bo i Santiago i Chile.